Monday, October 27, 2008


I had Ben on Saturday October 18 at 2034 for severe pre-eclampsia/HELLP. The epigastric pain came back on Saturday morning and no amount of pain medication could relieve it or even touch it actually. My enzymes shot through the roof and my platelets started dropping about 40K every 4 hours so we proceeded with delivery before it became a crash. He cried at delivery, apgared 5/9, weighed 1# 5.2 oz and was 12 inches long. He is doing as well as can be expected. For further updates visit


Robert said...

Go Ben!

Best to you and your son!

AtYourCervix said...

Go Ben! Stay strong little man!

zoot said...

I'm thinking about you and Ben right now! Hang in there!

mitchsmom said...

I just saw this post, hope you are doing well. (((Best wishes)))

Megan said...

I had no idea you had a blog!! No sono until next week or the week after. I just know it is a boy though.
Thinking of you guys and praying for you always.

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